
Hello there and welcome!

I am so excited that you have landed here today. Allow me to introduce myself…

My name is Emily Fitzpatrick. I am currently living a wonderful life surrounded by my amazing husband, 3 spectacular dogs and a beautiful, sassy cat.

Goose was our first fur child, adopted in Sicily and flown all the way to Dallas, GA back in 2017. He just so happens to be the goofiest, longest boi who is truly my soulmate in a dog. Next came along our beautiful pittie, Remington. Our sweet Remi girl is so brilliant, loyal and athletic. She has muscles for daaaaays. Miss Potato, our sassy cat, was the third addition.

Did I think I would ever be the mama to a kitty cat?

Heck no!

Don’t get me wrong, I love cats to death and will forever have them in my life now, but I was always a dog person before she touched my heart.

Last but not least, the feisty, sensitive Gus completed the Fitzpatrick family 6 months ago. He is learning how it feels to truly be loved, trust humans and be treated gently.

Don’t worry, we’ll get the information you truly came here for. Dog training! Or at least I hope that’s why you’re here.

Before that, let’s chat about my background in the animal world.

At a young age I always knew I wanted to work with animals when I got older. Specifically, dogs. Dogs truly have always brought me so much joy to be around. There is nothing like the unconditional love that a dog gives you, it’s even more special when that fearful dog builds trust in you. That’s what truly touches my heart like no other.

As I was approaching the end of my 20th year on this earth, I began my journey to discover where I wanted to end up in the animal world. I started out volunteering at a local animal rescue right before enrolling in school at San Juan College to become a registered vet tech.

As I began year 21 of my crazy life, I hopped on a plane to Sicily and moved in with my, then, boyfriend for his last 6 months in the Navy. This is when Joey and I welcomed our Goofy boy into our lives.

Once we made it back to the US, I began what I thought was my dream job at an animal hospital. My career there began as a kennel assistant, where I walked, fed, bathed and bonded with the pets being boarded. I shortly began transitioning to the role of vet assistant at the same hospital. While still being in RVT school, I had obtained my Veterinary Assistant Certification from San Juan College.

From there, I continued diving deeper into the job as a vet assistant. I loved and excelled at blood draws, placing IV catheters, monitoring patients during surgical procedures, in which I ended up becoming the head of the surgery department.

On top of all of that, I cared so deeply for the pets I was helping everyday. I was their advocate.

After 3 years in the animal hospital world, my heart needed something different. Something where I could know the dogs I was working with better, on a more personal level. To help them in a different aspect.

In the beginning of 2020, I enrolled in the Victoria Stilwell Academy, not knowing how life changing it would become. I learned how to truly connect and communicate with our canine companions. To bring a voice to the voiceless. And to truly fill my heart with compassion for these amazing animals.

I could go on for days about dog training. So, I will try to keep it short. BTW - if you made it this far… I love you and you deserve an award.

Dogs are brilliant creatures. They can process their emotions at about a 3 year old child’s level. Isn’t that incredible!?

Dogs are great at expressing their emotions as well. However, the express them in a different way than us. It’s on us to figure out what they’re telling us and to respect that.

Did you know that food is an incredible tool for dog training!? I didn’t know that before but, I’m so glad that I do now.

Here are some incredible ways using food has helped my personal dogs:

Goose: terrified of all people, places and things as a puppy. Every new experience he encountered, he always got tons of treats. He now loves meeting new people, loves going to the vet and finally going for walks.

Remi: dog selective, would lunge, bark and growl at any dog other than Goose. Using food to counter condition these feelings has made it so that she has made a few new dog friends, welcomed a new dog into the family and can see dogs outside and 9 times out of 10 doesn’t even react.

Gus: absolutely terrified of everything. New people, cars, bikes, other dogs, loud sounds, the vet, new places, literally everything. Has accepted 2 dogs and a cat into his life, has now accepted myself and my husband, loves going for adventures on nature trails and still hates the vet lol.

Positive reinforcement is all about meeting the dog where they are at and working with them at their pace. I am here to help guide those one their journey to better communicate with their dogs. And, I whole heartedly believe that was what I was put on this earth to do. Help dogs.

If you made it all the way here, thank you. I truly can’t tell you how much that means.

If you’re looking to hire a dog trainer, I would love to be considered. I’m a fun, goofy, vegan foodie, tattoo loving, colorful hair fanatic, animal crazy lady who just wants to help better the lives of all of the dogs in this world.

With love,

Emily Fitzpatrick, VSA-CDT


How to Make Your Own DIY High Value Squeeze Treat Tubes for Your Dog