Initial Training & Behavior Consultation

ONE HOUR and fifteen minutes of guidance from a certified professional dog trainer!

No new clients for the remainder of 2023!

Misunderstood Mutt uses positive reinforcement dog training methods that are made to be fun, force-free and fear-free!

PS.. these training methods are backed by years of scientific research.

What dog guardians are saying…

Elizabeth with Dunkin

“I have loved working with you so much and am so grateful for your expertise and understanding. You have helped us so much and his progress since we’ve started working with you is so gratifying!”

Morgan with Aubrey

“Using Em's positive reinforcement methods has allowed Aubrey to figure out that she can try new things, sniff new sniffs, and explore new places knowing that she is safe with me.”

All Dogs Start With This Initial consultation

Investment: $295 | 75-minute virtual dog training and behavior consultation

No new clients for the remainder of 2023!

Initial Consultation Breakdown

  • Dig into your concerns with your dog’s behavior

  • Help you establish your dog training goals

  • Introduce immediate solutions through management

  • Begin the foundational training

This session is required before a full package so that we can get to know each other and discuss your dog’s history!

Your Experience Matters

You AND your dog are treated as individuals here at Misunderstood Mutt.

Because you and your dog are individuals, your dog’s training and behavior modification plans provided are made specifically for you, your dog, and your goals.

Your experience is just as important as the science and ethics behind my training methods. I will always strive to provide you with a safe learning environment, to help make your dog training journey - and your life - fun for you and your dog.

Getting Started is Simple:

All you need to do is reach out on the contact page and I will take the lead from there!