How To: Prep Your Pup for Spring!

Spring is finally here!

This means warmer weather, enjoying sunshine filled activities with your dog and more fun field trips for your pup!

Now, before jumping right into all of these crazy fun activities, let’s get your dog ready to take on the world again after their winter hibernation.

You must be wondering, “what all do I need to do to prep my pup for their fun filled trips to fields of flowers, lakes and hiking trails?”


Here is your simple, easy to follow, step-by-step guide:

  1. Make sure that your dog is current on all of their vaccinations (check with your veterinarian on any vaccines that may be needed for hiking and trips to the lake in your area.)

  2. Restock your dog’s heartworm and flea and tick preventions. It is vital that your dog is taking these, especially during the spring and summer months.

  3. Get your dog’s ID tags up to date and attached to their collar. Their collar with ID tags should be worn anytime they are out of the house.

  4. Double check that your dog’s microchip information is current and registered. If they are not microchipped, give your vet a call and schedule a visit!

  5. If your dog is prone to allergies, spring time is usually a big season for flare ups! Contact your veterinarian for prevention measures.

  6. Invest in a well fitting harness with a quality long line so that your dog can safely explore the world around them.

  7. Get your treat bag stocked and ready for all of your fun adventures, you want to be able to reward all of the awesome behavior your dog offers!

  8. Start creating positive associations with car rides, start with the car stationary, gradually building up the duration and distances traveled. This way your pup can confidently ride along to all of the fun locations! And be sure to NEVER leave your dog unattended in a hot car.

  9. Scope out the dog friendly trails, restaurant patios and breweries in your area! If your dog is nervous around strange people or dogs, it may be best to have them sit out on these trips and find somewhere quieter for them to explore.

  10. Last but not least, don’t forget to pack plenty of water! As the temperatures begin to rise, our dog’s are more at risk for enduring heat strokes and dehydration.


Now that you know exactly how to prep your pup for spring, you can confidently take on the world together!

If you have a dog who struggles with the outside world, or is lacking some basic manners that is keeping your from being able to confidently enjoy outings with your dog, I would love to help you out!

You can reach out to me here:


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